American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis

By: Bret Easton Ellis
ISBN: 0679735771
Publisher: Vintage Contemporaries / Random House
Publication Date: March 1991
Format: Paperback
Pages: 399
Patrick Bateman is twenty-six and he works on Wall Street, he is handsome, sophisticated, charming and intelligent. He is also a psychopath. Taking us to head-on collision with American's greatest dream-and it's worst nightmare- American Psycho is bleak, bitter, black comedy about a world we all recognise but do not wish to confront.
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My Review:
i know for a fact that i never took this long to finish a book , an entire week!
but God this was so boring!
i started this book with high expectations, i heard good things about it , and wanted to read it before watching the movie . well , i was terribly disappointed .
the first half of the book was so awfully boring , the only thing it offered me is some fashion rants - that went on for pages and pages- and useless conversations about food or girls and money ( maybe some other things too , i couldn't focus much , it was THAT boring)
i had to skim through it to be able to finish it without burning the book.
the second part however was a bit better ( still boring most of the times) , yet his true psycho self started to have a presence in the story and took actions rather than few provocative words .
i did enjoy reading about what he did to his victims ( pretty sick huh?) at least it was a bit interesting , i do believe it's too graphic and violent , absolutely disgusting too , but it sent emotions in me , shock , disgust , horror , surprise . unlike the other parts where i just want to hit my head on the wall rather than read them .
there were a lot of times where i felt the character was too much of a misogynist , bet then again , we're talking about a psychopath here!
i didn't enjoy the way the story was told , many other characters were absent most of the times , and the author focused too much on Patrick's thoughts ( which were boring , many about clothes) . and we witnessed the events from only his perspective , so we always know what to expect .
the ending was also another disappointment , a bit all over the place and hard to understand .
oh this review wouldn't be complete without this : (if you read the book or seen the movie you would get it )
maybe this book was destined to a different category of people , but i didn't enjoy it at all . so i won't recommend it to anyone really.
i will only give it 2 starts because the killing scenes were good.