Bullet Riddled: The First S.W.A.T. Officer Inside Columbine...and Beyond

A book from the perspective of a SWAT team member who witnessed the horrors of the Columbine shooting.
It's a nice read , but definitely not light . The author addresses some serious topics , with horrible details. Throughout this book we got an insight on some unfortunate events accompanied with pictures that some might find a bit disturbing
( dead bodies - injuries )
I didn't know much the SWAT team but it answered a lot of questions and satisfied our curiosity. It has a lot of information about them , their training and opertaions.
I felt like the author is very confident and proud , but he has every right to be with all his accomplishments.
So i would recommend it to anyone who is curious about the SWAT or how their work goes , or want to get more information about some of the bad events/shootings/crimes that happened.